
Frequently Asked Questions about People Analytics

Support your leaders in improving people-related decisions with our FAQ on SAP SuccessFactors People Analytics and Report Story.

Data-driven decisions are paramount to success, and this holds especially true for managing your most valuable asset—your people.

Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ guide on SAP SuccessFactors People Analytics, where we demystify key aspects and provide insights to empower leaders and HR professionals in making strategic people-related decisions.

1. Does Report Story respect Role-Based Permissions?

Yes, Report Story follows Role-Based Permissions (RBP) for all employee data. RBP ensures that employees can only view the data they are permitted to access based on their assigned roles.

2. Can WorkForce Analytics (WFA) on SQL connect with third-party systems?

There is a limitation on what metric packs are available for both WFA on SQL as well as WFA on HANA. For absenteeism and time recordings, we recommend using Report Story and/or SAP Analytics Cloud.

3. Can Report Stories be scheduled as an automatic email?

It is on the roadmap from SAP, and we hope it will be delivered in one of the next releases. Check out roadmaps.sap.com for current road map items.

4. Is SuccessFactors LMS data available in Report Story?

Yes, it is possible to report on LMS data in Report Story. It should not be considered a direct replacement for the LMS PRD reporting tool, but rather an analytical engine that allows you to visualize better what is happening regarding learning activities. We have content templates that will get you started. Contact us for more details if interested.

5. Can data be extracted from SAP SuccessFactors into SAP Analytics Cloud or PowerBI?

Both options are supported. The correct method is to use SAP SuccessFactors Integration Center or SAP Integration Services and create an outbound integration.

6. How are the system response times for Report Story?

There are design considerations to be aware of when designing story reports, which can affect performance stability and responsiveness. Contact us if you need advice or support with this.

7. Is it possible to create Report Story dashboards without IT know-how?

Learning Report Story will take two days of training. You can take an SAP SFX Masterclass or ask Effective People to deliver a training program for you.

8. Can I customize definitions in Workforce Analytics?

It is possible to create your company-specific analysis dimensions and structural dimensions, which are used to analyze your data. You can create derived measures based on other measures.

9. Is it possible to drill into data in Story Reports?

Yes, it's possible to show more details in Story Reports with a linked table that filters based on another object in the report (e.g., a pie chart).

10. Is SAP SuccessFactors moving towards Stories and WFA, deprecating legacy reporting tools?

SAP is deprecating legacy tools like tiles, dashboards, classic reports, and table reports. Therefore, we recommend migrating to People Stories to enhance your HR reporting.

Want more information? In this one-hour webinar, you’ll get an overview of SAP SuccessFactors deprecations for legacy tools like tiles, dashboards, classic reports, and table reports. Discover how People Stories can enhance your HR reporting, bringing clearer insights with less hassle. Watch now.

11. Is it possible to show data trends in Report Story?

Time trending should always be done in Workforce Analytics. WFA is designed for time trending, so that is also another reason to use it. In essence, Report Story helps you understand where you are today, and WFA helps you understand how you got there.

12. How do Effective People bill for an SAP SuccessFactors WFA implementation?

Effective People has several implementation services for Workforce Analytics, from technical enablement—which is useful for a proof of concept—over accelerated to enterprise implementation. The effort level depends on the model used; a fixed price with predefined scope exists for all models. Contact us for more details on pricing.

13. How do I create dashboards that involve calculating differences?

In a compensation form, select Current Salary and Future Salary. All calculations are done in SAP SuccessFactors Report Stories (averages and differences), and we are using the Variances add-on option to show the values in charts. Watch this webinar for a comprehensive demo of dashboards in Report Stories.

14. What is the maximum number of data lines I can export into Excel?

The feature guardrails in Report Story helps to prevent very large data sets from breaking the reporting tool. Guardrails are dependent on the number of cells in the query. In short, the number of rows depends on the number of cells. There are two possible ways to export a list view: exporting data that is visible on your screen or exporting all data in your data set.

15. Can multivariate analysis be used to analyze on reducing the gender pay gap?

You can use Report Story to analyze metrics on different dimensions, and there are many possible dimensions to analyze the variation on. We recommend analyzing by JobFamily, Job Level, Job Classification, Country, Region, Pay Grade, and Gender Organizational Tenure to get the full picture. In Report Story, you can create multi-dimensional views as well as allow the end user to select the analysis dimension at runtime.

16. Can I insert filter input controls, e.g., gender or year, in a dashboard?

Report Stories is a light version of SAP Analytics Cloud embedded in SAP SuccessFactors. It is possible to add input controls in Report Stories (as it is in SAP Analytics Cloud).

17. Does Report Story allow reporting on Performance and Compensation Management in the same story?

Yes. You can add multiple queries to the same dashboard story and each query can contain data from different modules.

18. Is it possible to create a report with data on promotions and compensation?

Managing promotions and job changes is done in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central. Therefore, a report with data on promotions and compensation should be based on Employee Central events and event reasons. For guidance, contact us.

19. Is it possible to view trend data on Story Reports?

Technically, it is possible to do limited time trending, such as a bar chart with Headcount 2024, Headcount 2023, and Headcount 2022. However, this approach is not recommended due to system performance and authorizations as Role Based Permissions (RBP) is as-of-date only. Our recommendation is to utilize SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics for any time trending-related needs. Get in touch with us for more guidance.

20. Can I import and use an external HR data set in a dashboard?

Report Story supports data within SAP SuccessFactors. One option is to create a custom Metadata Framework (MDF) object and load data into this object, which is then available in Report Story.

However, it’s important to note that MDF objects are not intended to function as a data warehouse. Therefore, avoid loading gigabytes of data into them. For extensive cross-application analytics, we recommend using SAP Analytics Cloud Enterprise.

21. Is it possible to set RBP for Story Reporting differently than Report Center?

Currently, it is not possible to set RBP for Story Reporting differently than Report Center. This can be relevant if you want to create Story Reports with aggregated data and share it broadly while ensuring that no personally identifiable information (PII) will be displayed. It appears that the 2H 2024 release will introduce an innovation that allows users to create custom columns. For instance, it will be possible to create an Age Range column and grant users access to this information without giving them access to the "Date of Birth" column.

22. Can I report on Comp Ratio or Pay range data on Story?

Compa-Ratio and Range Penetration in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central is calculated automatically in Employee Central and thus not stored in the database. For Report Story, you need to add the relevant tables and fields to the query to make the calculation.

Some companies create a custom field in Employee Central for Compa Ratio Calculated and build a business rule that stores the information to simplify reporting. For the SAP SuccessFactors Compensation Module, the current and future compa-ratio and range penetration are readily available in the Report Story query.

23. Should I use Classic design when building reports in Report Story?

When building new reports in Report Story, we recommend using the Optimized Design Experience instead of Classic mode. Classic mode will eventually be deprecated and all Stories developed in Classic mode will need to be migrated to the Optimized Design Experience when this occurs. Reach out to us for guidance on this transition.

24. Has the search functionality in Query Designer stopped working?

Please report any issues to SAP Support via SAP 4 Me.

25. What are the best practices for designing a dashboard that leverages EC and Learning data?

For cross-module reporting between Learning (LMS) data (like item type, completion status, learning hours, etc.) and BizX or Employee Centraldata (country, legal entity, gender, etc.), we suggest replicating selected fields from the Employee Profile (or EC Job Information) into the LMS User Profile. This enables using fields for filtering, dimension, sorting, and counting when selecting LMS as a data source for the Report Story.

26. Is all Learning data available for use in Stories?

You can see an overview of the available LMS tables in Report Stories here.

27. Has SAP postponed the deprecation of Canvas and Table reports?

The deprecation of Canvas and Table reports is mentioned in the 1H 2024 release from SAP SuccessFactors. You can find more information on SAP’s official release notes.

28. Do Story Reports perform poorly in Edge compared to other browsers?

You should not experience different performance when running Story Reports in Microsoft Edge. If you are experiencing issues, please review your browser settings and consider reaching out to SAP.

29. Does Optimized and Classic mode have the same features?

Not all features available in Classic mode are currently available in Optimized Design Experience. We expect SAP will enhance this in future updates.

30. Why does data in related tables sometimes appear blank, even though I have the correct RBP?

Report Stories will follow field-level permissions and target population defined in RBPs. Certain permissions specific to Report Stories, such as being able to see data from the User (Basic User Information) table, require not only the view permission for those fields in Employee Data but also the Data access: User permission in the Manage User category.

31. Can I add a vertical or horizontal scroll bar to a chart in Report Stories?

Depending on the size of your component (chart or table) and the number of members displayed in the X or Y axis, Stories include a scroll bar if the number of members is too high.

32. Can the field "ANSAL in EUR" be added to a Story Report?

Not directly. The "ANSAL in EUR" field is a transient field, calculated automatically in Employee Central. As this data is not stored in the database, you will need to replicate the calculations within the report itself to report on it in Stories.

33. How do I track Canvas reports utilization?

Currently, it’s possible to track Canvas report utilization in site statistics. In future releases, there might be an option to track Canvas report utilization using Stories. For more detailed information and guidance on interpreting results from your audit reports, you can check out KBA or reach out to us.

34. Is it possible to handle SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment data in Report Stories?

It’s possible to report on Recruitment Management data in Stories, and SAP has launched a template story focusing on Recruitment data. You can find more information about this template here. There will be additional data sources for Recruiting Audit in Report Story coming in 2H 2024. Contact us for more guidance.

35. How do I run usage logs on Canvas as it isn't supported in Audit Report?

Running usage logs on Canvas is supported but needs to be enabled. Reach out to us if you need support.

36. How do I prevent a Story Report from being available to all users when importing templates?

We recommend that when you import the standard Report Story template, you go to the share options of the report, make sure no user/role/group is selected, and then save.

37. Is there a "VLOOKUP" formula available in Report Stories for front end use?

No, there isn’t a “VLOOPUP” formula available for front end use. An example could be that you want a table with all Employee IDs and a separate table with all Manager IDs. However, Manager IDs can be directly retrieved from the DataSource. Another option is to use link dimensions if you have the information coming in 2 separate queries. In this case, you can potentially link the User ID from the first query with Manager ID from the second query.

38. Does Report Stories allow users to create custom templates?

Yes, you can create a report with a query, incorporate company colors, and add visualizations, an intro page, and an appendix page. This report can then be saved with a specific name and shared with all report authors. It’s recommended to limit the number of report authors to ensure that they all have the same level of expertise and can use the tool effectively. If you need guidance on how to set up report lifecycle management and reporting governance processes, reach out to us at Effective People.

39. Does SAP SuccessFactors offer setting up usage logs for reports as part of the conversion job as a standard function?

No, SAP does not provide consulting on this but may refer you to a KBA. You are welcome to contact Effective People for guidance on setting up usage logs for both Canvas and Table Reporting (and LMS PRD if needed).

40. The limit for tables in Report Story is 30, but some canvas reports exceed this. What's the solution?

With Report Story, additional fields are added to parent tables, which means that you need fewer tables in your query. From a performance and maintenance perspective, it’s not recommended to have 30 tables in a query for either Canvas or Story Reporting.

41. How do I share Story Reports?

Story Reports don’t have the same sharing options as legacy report tools, so some share Table Reports via email and Canvas Reports via a legacy distributor.

While you can share the report definition so that other users can run the report, the actual run of a story cannot be shared. Users who have access to run the report must run it themselves. However, if the story has a table component in it, this table component can be run “offline” and shared. SAP will enhance sharing options for the 2H 2024 release.

42. How can I check if a story was created in Classic or Optimized mode?

This can be determined by opening your report. If it appears with a warning, then it’s in Classic mode.

43. How do I add translation in different languages to header fields?

You can use inline translations to add translations in different languages to widget titles and page names. If field names are not renamed they should follow system translations.

44. Can I replace “(null)” with a blank value in SAP SuccessFactors SLMS?

No, showing "(null)" is normal behavior in a crosstab widget, and it’s not possible to change it.

45. How do I display records without data in tables to identify missing values?

Yes. An example could be that you have a table with different values and still want to see all dimensions, such as employee class, even if there is no value. You can use the Show unbooked data functionality to display records without data in tables. When configuring the table or crosstab, hover over the respective dimension, go to more actions, and select Unbooked data. It will work if you have a minimum of one record in the data source with that value or dimension member.

46. Can I apply different colors to individual Employee Class or other dimension values in a table?

Currently, an alternative for achieving conditional colors is working with thresholds, which can only be applied to numeric values (measures) in a crosstab.

47. Is there a method to prioritize a specific row when duplicates occur?

For example, some encounter duplicates of itemIDs in LMS data because a course is being assigned in multiple ways. This results in the same individual having a row where there is a completion date and a row where there is no date.

One potential approach could involve having two assigned items tables in your query: one filtered for records where the completion date is not null and another where the completion date is null. Then, you can create a calculated column where you concatenate the completion date from assigned items table #1 with the completion date of assigned items table #2. However, this is a high-level theory, that needs to be checked and tested thoroughly.

48. Does it matter which table is added first in Query Design?

Selecting the first table in Query Design is important as it dictates the primary table for data retrieval, it should be the table from which you always want to get data. For Employee Central data, it is typically recommended to start with Job Information as this would be a good driving table.

49. Is it possible to retrieve the clock time in a specific time zone when working with time data2?

If you are using Time Tracking functionality, there is a table available in Stories called Events. This table sources data directly from time events without converting the time to UTC.

For more guidance, please contact us—we are happy to help.


About the author

André Fonseca is an experienced SuccessFactors Reporting & Analytics consultant and the SME for SuccessFactors Reporting and Analytics at Effective People.

He has broad and deep experience optimizing, defining, and analyzing business needs and building solutions for business intelligence across HR and other business domains.​​​

Andre has expertise in analytics and HR including Core HR, Reporting, Talent Management, and Workforce Analytics.​

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